Sunday, 29 June 2008


On Friday 27th June the whole school celebrated St.Peter's day. We shared mass with the community in the morning and we enjoyed a range of activities such as a football tournament, outdoor games, movies in the classroom and ice cream donated by the Friends of St.Peter's Association.
Everyone seemed to be having a really nice time however what would have made the day better?

Suggestions please, you never know next year we could do it if you give your opinion!!!!!

Think U Know is a fantatic site dedicated to keeping children safe whilst using the Internet. It has excellent advice for children, parents and teachers. At St.Peters we support the saftey of children and therefore have provided a link to this website at the bottom of this Blog.

Blog Rules

Blog rules
We want this Blog to stay safe and fun for those who use it. We have therefore come up with some simple rules.

Visitors are asked to keep to our rules.

1.Don’t give out your address or phone number or any personal details
2.Only use your first name
3.Don’t put pictures of yourself or others on the blog
4.Use appropriate language
5.Try your best with spelling, but it doesn’t have to be totally perfect.
6.Don’t be rude or horrible about anyone or anyone’s work
7.Remember that it’s good to have nice things written about our work.
8.Respect other people’s opinions.
9.Everyone is welcome to contribute to the Blog
10. Remember from our RE lessons, that we are all part of God's family.